Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Bruno Groening Documentary- Parts 1 & 2

The Phenomenon Bruno Groening - On the track of the "Miracle Healer" Documentary film in three parts (each approximately 95 minutes): public showings based on voluntary donations in many countries. In 1949 one name dominated the headlines: Bruno Groening. Extra editions were printed about him. There were also radio and newsreel reports. A movie was filmed. Everywhere he appeared hundreds, thousands, even tens of thousands people flocked to see him. They came from all over Germany, Austria, Switzerland, but also from Belgium, France, and the USA. Groening became a world event. Those who throng to see him, however, are not followers, fans or groupies. They are sick people. For many it is there last ray of hope. Beaten down by the war, given up on by doctors, they have only one wish, and that is to become healthy - free from pain and suffering. Bruno Groening should help them. And he helps. "There is no incurable God is the greatest physician," were his words. And the unfathomable happens: innumerable sick people become healthy the lame can walk, the blind can see... The Documentary film "The Phenomenon Bruno Groening - On the track of the "Miracle Healer" shows the dramatic events of that time objectively. Original film and sound documents, archive material, over 50 eyewitness interviews, and also containing large-scale re-enactment scenes. All this make the film a deeply impressive experience. This film is, however, more than a documentary glance at the past. Many viewers have reported that they suddenly felt a power, tingling, current in their bodies while watching the film. For most of them, this is a fully new experience. Some have even reported the disappearance of pain, handicaps, and other forms of suffering. How is that possible? Groening died in 1959. The tumult over him is long since past. However, even today unusual healings occur. The facts speak for themselves: healings from cancer, angina pectoris, heumatoid arthritis, and osteoporosis, but also from drug addiction and other addictions. The successes have been medically documented by physicians. Bruno Groening Documentary film: http://www.bruno-groening-film.org/en_index.htm Bruno Groening Circle of Friends, one of the largest associations for spiritual healing in the world. http://www.bruno-groening.org/english«

Part 1 (12 min)

Part 2 (22 min)

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